Originally Posted By: tahir
I spend a lot of time swearing at my GPS, I've always thought it'd be cool if it swore back at me
One thing I liked about the Garmin was that when it went into recalculating mode, it didn't have some bright, pixie-like voice saying something like "One moment please while I recalculate your route...".

Instead, there was this woman's voice, infinitely patient but clearly exasperated, saying just "Recalculating." But you have to hear it. It's "Reee-calculating" in a tone of voice that obviously implies that she is little put out at the extra work you are making her do because you were so incompetent as to miss the last turn.

Someone with a sense of humor did that one. Bet she didn't last long there...

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"