And 10.5.8 is the newest OS it will ever run, as 10.6 dropped PowerPC support.
So, then, I can use the 10.5.6 "Leopard" disk to nuke and repave it, right?
Insert the disk, power up while holding the "C" key, and follow the directions on-screen. Is that all there is to it, or are there "gotchas" I need to watch out for?
Apple hasn't shipped a single button mouse for 8 years.
This (attached) is the mouse that came with SWMBO's "new" 24" iMac, which shipped from Apple in 2008. I've only been able to find one button on it. It is clever, though, it is a wireless laser mouse that talks directly to the iMac via Bluetooth. SWMBO has declined its usage, preferring her Logitech 3-button wireless mouse with tilt/scroll wheel.
Print Screen functions do exist in OS X,
I had to chuckle at that link, clearly written by an Apple fanboy:
"Command+Control+Shift+4, then space, then click a window" It's so simple, all you have to do is hold down four keys simultaneously, then hit the space bar and click on your screen, as opposed to the absurd complexity of pressing the "Print Screen" button on a Windows machine.
"Once you show someone how to perform the screen capture with a keystroke they understand why there isn’t a need to over complicate the keyboard with unnecessary buttons."Yeah, right.

Sometime today or tomorrow I will attempt to nuke and repave the 20" iMac using the Leopard 10.5.6 disk unless I hear differently from you. Would it be worth my while (or even possible?) to update to 10.5.8 after the repaving?