Originally Posted By: tanstaafl.
The problem here is that the AAC act will make it more difficult for politicians to get re-elected, so they won't like it...and they (the politicians) are the ones who have to put it into law. How likely is that?

Maybe I'm overly cynical, but I really, truly believe that the absolute prime motivation for any action taken by any politician is to advance his chances for re-election. Nothing else takes precedence over that.

I mostly agree with your cynical statement. And indeed that is a core of the problem, politicians see their job as a career in most cases. And it shouldn't be like that.

The reason I support the ACC is because the organization behind it not only has the act, but a plan to get it passed that could work. But it will take a lot of work by people in all areas to get the message out, and fight past the curmudgeon views of things can't change. The reason I see some hope in this is because of how many ex and a handful of current politicians agree with the need for the ACC. It's driven by people that know the political game well, and can help guide it to a possible ratification.