That big banner message there says you need the source to XF86 (xfree86), to compile this driver, and without it, you'll have to use a pre-compiled binary. I don't, off the top of my head, know what the correct devel package is for that.
Ok, so I need to install xfree86 on the RPi?
Hmmm, this is a challenge.

I have no idea what XFree86 is, or what is does for that matter. But it's mere name to me inplies that it's meant for x86 CPU's, which the RPi doesn't have.
Also, when I read on the Xfree86 site, it says it's an open-source implementation of the X Window System. But doesn't the RPi already have X Window? (the command to start the graphical interface is "startx" anyway)
Also, a side question: how can I tell if certain software is already installed on the PI? Is there an easy way to do that? I'm guessting the Aptitude Package Manager does this, but it's text only and not very straightforward. (well, to me anyway)
Second question: if I end up not being able to compile this driver because XFree86 cannot be installed on the PI, this means I have to use a pre-compiled binary. Is such a file also present in de /Debian directory of the installation CD, or do I have to find this somewhere else? Maybe in a directory of a different Linux distro. I've now uploaded the whole /Linux directory to my Dropbox, so you can see every Linux driver that's available to me.
pushd and popd are built-in shell commands. They don't exist in "sh", but they do in "bash". So, my guess here is that you might try running the make stuff again in a bash shell. I know nothing about changing shells on an RPi, as I don't have one.
This is strange, because when I check what shell comes with the PI (echo $SHELL), it says /bin/bash. Maybe it's a "bash light"?
Thanks for your feedback!