I see that there's a standard European plug type. It's been a while since I've been over there so I wasn't sure. I'll just order a 3-pack of adapters I found on Amazon

Yep, "standard". Greece uses about 5 of those standards. That 3 pack will get you where you need to be.
I love the socket they're using in China now. It's designed to fit everyone's plugs.
I smile every time I hear somebody asking about EU plug standards, because there's no such thing and I so wish there was. There are many different national standards, each nation having its own (often more than one).
Spain, France, and Germany seem to use the same power plugs/sockets, or maybe I should say they all use compatible versions of the same plugs.
In Italy, we use TWO different plug standards than Germany, France, Spain, but German (as we call it) standard is becoming more and more popular and, also, adapters cost few Euros at the shop round the corner. Also, more and more popular "universal" sockets are used in power strips or walls. I *think* Greece is just like Italy in this regard.
UK uses a different standard than the above.
I just happen to be in Edinburgh and I am regretting I only brought one universal adapter from Rome. I just had to buy another one here for £19, because in my experience no matter how well you plan, something unexpected happens and you need to plug more things, or plug them in different places you thought you would. Oh and yes, nineteen pounds.
Definitely, get a complete plug converter set + a power strip, as Mark suggested. Or, if you think a power strip takes too much space in your suitcase, then at least bring two plug adapter sets. I would get one that also has one or more USB port on, as those can get very handy.