The products from that Routerboard company look good. The bare board doesn't appeal to me much
They seem to also offer them with cases (e.g.,
this is what I'd get for my parents). Notably absent are any price listings.
Ah, I didn't see that one. Their site isn't the greatest. The have a really nice product search tool, but it doesn't let you narrow by specific product category (like "routers"). That certainly is very inexpensive. Amazon has it for $55 plus $4 shipping, with great reviews (only three, but all glowing).
I'll definitely go with this in the future. Thanks, I think I've found my router

I like that it shows that other people bought it with the Ubiquiti Unifi APs. That's exactly why I want this

The Amazon product listing doesn't list what's included in the box. Does this come with the power adapter included?
*edit 2*
Also, it's a shame I can't use this in more situations. Sometimes it's a real PITA to put a lot of ISP's routers into bridge mode, if they even make it possible. It always involved a call to the ISP, which is a PITA in its own right. I'll probably continue to use the routers that most of my clients are set up with. At least I can usually order plain old modems for my small business clients with business cable contracts.