Originally Posted By: mlord
When helping people (including myself) with wifi reception, I make extensive use of the Android app called "Wifi Analyzer". In your case, I would start in the garage, and see what other APs are visible from there, and see what the noise floor reading is.
Also what WiFi channels all the nearby signals are using.

Often a big part of getting WiFi to behave is selecting a channel for your own equipment that has the least amount of interference from other nearby WiFi.

2.4 Ghz is the best band for reaching distance and through obsticles but that band is also highly congested in populated areas. There are only three channels with 2.4Ghz that do not interfere at all, and often one is reduced to selecting a channel that is partway 'between' the others just to get something usable.

5Ghz is much less congested but only certain frequencies allow the full radio strength. For example in the U.S. Channel 36 is a much reduced radio power compared to say channel 148.

I use WiFi Explorer on my MacBook to map out what channels are in use and where, so I can best plan my own channel selections. Sometimes I have to talk with neighbours and request that they adjust their own WiFi settings. Typically they have no idea and I end up doing it for them.


Note that you need to understand what channels are optimal for your equipment after anaylsing both the garage and the balcony areas. A strong overlapping signal in either location can swamp your signal.