Ah, I see.

I'm on Windows, so I don't have a "man" command to use.

Instead, I was using the only alternative I had: Their link to the main sox manual from their documentation page on SourceForge.

This appears to be the root of my documentation problem. Your man page is better than what's up there. For instance, that critical table of parameters:
                                          Quality   Band-   Rej dB   Typical Use
                                    -q     quick     n/a    ≈30 @    playback on
                                                             Fs/4    ancient hardware
                                    -l      low      80%     100     playback on old
                                    -m    medium     95%     100     audio playback
                                    -h     high      95%     125     16-bit mastering
                                                                     (use with dither)
                                    -v   very high   95%     175     24-bit mastering

... that table is completely missing from their documentation page on the SourceForge web site. So it's no wonder that I couldn't figure it out: They literally didn't have the most important part included in their own documentation. And, as you said, your man page there has the correct character for hyphens, unlike their web page. So what you just posted there is super helpful.

Can you find the corresponding section of the man page for the options for controlling MP3 encoding? That also seems to be completely missing from their docs on the SourceForge site.
Tony Fabris