But that's the thing. It works in Safari. I don't want to use Safari. And Lastpass works in every app and every browser on Android. It's really not the same thing.

Lastpass even has a more elegant intermediate step, if the automatic login field detection doesn't work. You can find the login in the app, tap on it, and choose "add copy notifications." This adds two notifications to the Android notification shade. One can be tapped to copy the username to the clipboard, the other one the password. Then you go back to the app and can use those notifications to fill in the app.

On iOS I have to open the app I'm using, go to the home screen, open Lastpass and find the login, copy the password, switch to the other app with a double tap of the home button, paste the password, switch back to Lastpass, tap on the site, choose copy login, switch back to the app, and paste that into the username. Each time, I have to touchID into Lastpass which adds a moment too. I've started anticipating it and opening Lastpass first to take one step out, but it's still a real pain.

As a contrast, on Android I just open the app I want, and as soon as I tap on the password field a box pops up with sites that Lastpass thinks match the app I'm using (usually only one). I just tap the site I want and the username and password are automatically filled in. This works on any app on the phone and any site in Chrome. I haven't tried it in other browsers but I assume it would work in them too. It's this insistence that everything on iOS use Apple apps that is one of the things that bothers me about the transition.