I've been putting this off forever, but it's definitely time to come up with a suitable alternative. The Crashplan free "P2P" that I've been running is now over. We've discussed CrashPlan issues before (thread 1, thread 2, thread 3).

- This guy has settled into some kind of combination of Duplicati and Minio that uses Amazon cloud storage. He also had negative things to say about BackupBuddy (or is it BuddyBackup?), which is ostensibly a drop-in replacement for the P2P Crashplan mode.

- Here's a summary of commercial options. Nothing here seems great. Here's the summary:

Essentially, I have UrBackup on my devices, sending backups to the NAS, and Duplicati on the NAS backing up to Amazon S3. I’m backing up around 700GB of data, and the Amazon bill is ~$11 per month. This isn’t brilliant value for money, but as long as I’m under $12.50, I’m still spending less than I did on CrashPlan, albeit without the luxury of unlimited storage.

So... based on all of this, it seems that UrBackup is the recommended solution for my needs (i.e., running a "server" on my work machine and backing up to it from my "home" machine and laptop).
