Unless I'm misunderstanding (which is entirely possible

), no, not really. Actually I'd like it to be an app which gives me the full Empeg experience on my Android (or Apple) phone, without actually using an Empeg.

(so basically having the Empeg software experience, without running it on Empeg hardware... but on my phone instead playing the MP3's from its storage)
I can imagine having the Empeg screen layout on my phone (landscape view of course) and I could use it like that. Or maybe even on my car's touch screen, using Android auto or CarPlay. That would be awesome.
But I also realize that would be a lot of work. Basically it would mean re-creating the Empeg software again. On the other hand, I remember somebody
who's done it before, but I don't think it was ever released, let alone an app being created from its code.
*Sigh* I can still dream...