"that's when I noticed I now had no sound at all even playing files"

Thanks for ideas. I do get sound. But it is possible that another wire is loose, though I checked them all. It was late when I finally gave up working on it for the evening.

"Do you have a fader option in the sound menu ? "

I'll double-check the wiring and also check for the fader option (Good idea). As I was frantically searching thru the menus for a Tuner option, I don't recall specifically seeing the Fader option. So, I'll have to check that for sure...

"The light should light up, yes. "

Hugo, I assume you mean the Tuner Power Indicator should be on all the time once it's plugged in. I guess part of my point is that the documentation for this is especially thin and vague. A little more specificity on terms and behavior would make this easier to troubleshoot. I know the Tuner is a newly available product, but it's not like it's a new concept. Just a suggestion.

Thanks again for the ideas. I hope its not a problem with my Empeg itself.