Well, I'm closer to thinking something is up with my Empeg.

I double checked the wiring. No problems that I can see.

I checked to make sure I saw "Fader" in the Sound menu. It was there. So it knows it's docked.

Still, no sign of the tuner. So, my questions are these:

Should I see the "Tuner Power Indicator" LED light up once it's plugged in, with car on, and Empeg NOT docked? Mine doesn't.

Should I see a Tuner menu item on my Empeg even without the Tuner module connected once I install 1.03? I don't.

Is the "Tuner Operation Indicator" on the Empeg itself upon bootup? And if so, what does it look like?

What else can I check before I end up shipping it back to Rio?

I know some of these questions are the same ones I asked originally, but I never really got answers to them. But knowing them might help isolate if it's a wiring issue, a firmware issue, or a hardware issue.