Ahem, ahem. I think you know which one I would recommend, but I'd hate to, seeing as I would not be (as far as I can tell) the only minivan-owning empeg owner. (that was a horrible sentence, but oh well).

Anyway, I can tell you all about the Honda Odyssey.

First of all, I think it would be hard to find someone, despite the minivan stigma, who thought the Odyssey was less attractive than the Aztec. As far as minivans go, I think it's the best looking. Honda really tried to get away from the rounded, Caravan/Silhouette style. I think one of the designers said he was going for an "armor look". Whatever that means.

Okay, it's a minivan. Not cool, right? Wrong! Lift up the hood when a friend disses you. Show them that V6, 210 HP, 3.5 liter V-Tech engine and that'll shut 'em up nicely. This thing zips like hell for a minivan. This is coming from a college student who spent most of his high school days driving an Eclipse GSX (turbo). It really is a car-like feel. I swear the thing drives so nicely.

You want room? For a minivan that's comparative in size to all the others, I believe it still has the most cargo capacity. In fact, I think it has the MOST capacity of just about any vehicle, including the Excursion. That's pretty damn impressive. Of course, the greatest aspect of how the space is utilized is the famous fold-down 3rd row. Up, there is an unbelieveable amount of room in that "pit". I fit $150 worth of groceries in the van with the third row up, and still had a hell of alot of room. with that row down, you won't believe how much room there is. Then with the two middle seats out, it feels cavernous in there. I can bend over with my legs fully extended in it . The size of the remaining area is so huge that I was able to haul 30 4'x8' sheets of plywood in it. (and as a college student, I ave, of course, come to the realization that 4'x8' is about a double ).

Anyway, if you've got anymore questions, ask me. I can't speak to the others really well, except that the Aztec is indeed butt ugly, and the Rav4 seems a bit small, doesn't it?

The Odyssey is simply incredibly well built, has a great engine, is compfortable, and shouldn't embarass you in front of your friends.

Sorry for the long rant, but I love my car.

Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da, etc.