Well, this is the final close out of this thread. I went ahead and got the Honda Odessy. The original ship date was supposed to be end of November but it actually came in last week. The test drive was INCREDIBLE. The 2002 model has a lot of get-up-and-go power and the interior is nice and roomy. So I am just waiting on the last dotting of i-s and crossing of t-s for the insurance and plate transfers before picking it up. I totally removed the Civic Install during lunch yesterday and shed a tear. (OK not really)
Once I have the new car, I am going to shoot video of the complete install so there will probably be quite a bit of Install Porn to follow. Just a couple of questions for everyone.
1) In my old install, I replaced the back speakers with 5" MD Quart which I removed and are now sitting on my desk. Is it worthwhile to put those speakers into the Odessey or is that just a waste of time seeing how it is a new car with new speakers?
2) What is the best place to install the Amp seeing how there really isn't a trunk in this car? I am thinking under the driver side seat but my concern is they are heated seats.
3) I have all the wiring from my Civic install, is it ok to re-use these wires seeing how they are only a couple of montsh old or should I go with fresh wires and connections? I don't think preformance will be effected but wanted your opinions on this.