I appologize for brining up an old thread, but I seemed to have missed it when Kazama said he was actually going to buy the Odyssey. So to start...CONGRATS! It's a blast. I love it. I'll tell you what I did and maybe it will help.

I think this is becoming the thread that wouldn't die. Thanks! I am definately loving it so far.

First of all, I have a thread in the install forum with pictures. Did you get the NAV? Just wondering. My installer reccomended under the driver's seat. It works well there.

I did get the ExNAVi with leather seats and all the bells and whisles. I am thinking I will put the Amp under the driver's side passenger seat because there is more clearance, the seat comes out, and the carpet is cut already for the spare. Should make laying the cables pretty mindless and I can put the whole AMP under the seat. I did wonder if the installer had to drill a new hole in the firewall to run the cables? All openings to the engine seem to have gaskets around them which makes it increadibly difficult to sneak another cord in there.

Anyway, I hope you're enjoying your new ride. I still enjoy it after over a year of driving it. Look forward to two things when it comes to friends and your automatic doors:

1) a look of amazement
2) the phrase: "you don't have to push/pull it."

The best story so far for me was picking up some friends to take the new ride out. They were walking about 5 meters in front of me and I hung back to open the sliding doors from the remote. When the first one opened, they stopped and watched in awe. My friend Brian turned back and said, "Cool!" At the end of the night, he was asking his wife Jodi if they could trade in the F450 King Cab they have for the Mini-Van. She smiled and said no, until she is pregnant.

I am just loving the ride so much. Gas mileage is better than most mini-vans but not on par with the Civic I left behind. I am just glad my commute to work is all of 5 minutes. I also got the equiv of the "Southern Hospitality" service up here so I shouldn't have to worry about much for the first 100,000 miles. We shall see tho. Hopefully I will get the Empeg in this weekend. Spent the last one in Bermuda so time was not there.
