All of this "count me in" stuff is well and good, but where would we start?

I mean, back in the days of Lambda-Moo, I passed the "I can program myself out of a paper bag" test, and went on to fail out of school because of it, but where does this lead us?

I've always been the type of programmer who takes something that's broken or incomplete and fixes it, but starting something from scratch has never been my strong point.

Also, I believe the UK guys that they'll continue to support us because it's in their own best interest to do that, but I also think that if we have an Open Source project, everyone will benefit (UK guys included). Not to say there would be competition, but they would be "different but similar".

Sometimes the answer to getting what you want is doing it yourself. I like the sound of opensource-empeg-kernel on ...

I bet if there's enough interest, and a ring-leader who can get us started, that we'll all have fun and get something out of it.


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'01 Audi A4 2.8 Quattro