Hmmm I like this idea even more than the open-sourced player because it adds functionality that we've all been talking about (GPS) and that the player obviously doesn't give us.
I'm not familiar with the TripMate unit but I did a search for GPSD and found the software, downloaded it, and compiled it in maybe five minutes.
I'll have to do some reading about this thing and maybe scratch my programming itch with some of the ideas you mentioned... The DeLorme site is terribly slow right now though.
empeg:/tmp# ./gpsd -h
usage: gpsd [options]
options include:
-D integer [ set debug level ]
-L longitude [ set longitude ]
-S integer [ set port for daemon ]
-T e [ earthmate flag ]
-h [ help message ]
-l latitude [ set latitude ]
-p string [ set gps device name ]
-s baud_rate [ set baud rate on gps device ]
-c [ use dgps service for corrections ]
-d host [ set dgps server ]
-r port [ set dgps rtcm-sc104 port ]
MkII #554