The TripMate is a very old unit that DeLorme produced... predecessor to the EarthMate... the TripMate is a little more open with its output as far as I can tell and was cheaper to buy... DeLorme are selling "refurbished" units of the TripMate and EarthMate via the web for US$50 and US$89.95 (as far as I remember)
I can't say that the TripMate is likely to be an especially accurate GPS but it was a nice cheap entry level item that had everything I needed... if I get it working and want something better it shouldn't be too hard to replace it at a later date with a better quality GPS...
Refurbished TripmateRefurbished EarthMateand a link for a hack for the tripmate: I am not intending to use the self start hack as I can get around the 'ASTRAL' keyword problem via the gpsd software itself... But have built myself the power adaptor and aim to wire that into the empeg so the unit will get powered when the empeg turns on...