Still at a loss for why I can't get DS to install. Still looking to see if anyone can point me to the potential problem.

I just redownloaded, extracted it down to the and install.tar files, moved them over to my player, made the file executable and tried to run it. It still gives me the same error. I'm thinking that the environment on my empeg is different somehow, but I'm too much of a Linux novice to know how it's different.

I know that..
a) the was never opened/edited/changed on my PC. I moved it over, along with the install.tar file, without touching it.
b) the first line of the install file point to /bin/bash, and that /bin/bash is still a valid path/filename on my empeg.

Perhaps I glance at the attached log would help some of you gurus tell me what I'm missing. This method is supposed to work, correct? As in..I should be able to move those two files over and install using, right?

- Chris
32GB MK2 090000664 Smoke
Queue # 2 (who the heck was 1?)

41850-session.txt (173 downloads)

- Chris Orig. Empeg Queue position 2