Tracks can be dropped onto the player icon in the tree, in which case they
are added as content but not added to any playlists.

so they're invisible on the player?

Now allows drag and drop onto "Artists", "Albums", etc in which case the tags
will be updated appropriately. This is useful for mass retagging of tracks
using multiple views.

Entirly too intuative!

Volume now ramps up gradually at startup when in the car to avoid pain the
morning after the heavy night before. This can be configured from emplode.


This is the greatest update I've ever seen! Seriously, Most manufacturers would charge for a featureupdate like this, and I would have no problem with it.
Is the User manula being re-written to account for all of this features and functions? It just blows all the competition away. Stick that in your pipe and smoke it slashdotters. Build your system for less and tell me how long it takes to create such a useful feature set in software. HAH!

congrat's guys! Rio, really doesn't know what they're doing with this EOL thing.

C'mon Monday!!

-- Murray I What part of 'no' don't you understand? Is it the 'N', or the 'Zero'?