> so they're invisible on the player?

Currently, they only show up in Search results on the player. In a (not too distant) future release, the pre-sorted tree structure from emplode (by Artist, Genre, Year, Playlists etc) will also appear on the player as a menu hierarchy.

In many cases playlists will no longer be the primary (or most convenient) way to access your music. Of course there's nothing stopping you using them in exactly the same way you do now if you want to.

> Is the User manula being re-written to account for all of this features and functions?

Unfortunately we don't have access to our Tech Writers as the product is now EOL, however I have the source for the electronic version of the manual and plan to update it when I get time. If some owners (probably Alpha Team people) are willing to help out and speed up the process then I'd be happy to share the task.
