I don't use winamp (...) I can't wait to try it with 2.0 player software

One of the requirements of Gapkiller is that you need a gapless-playback program on the PC, Winamp is recommended because I supply the gapless playback plugin at my web site.

It's only useful if you can PREVIEW the trims, which is what gapkiller's primary purpose is. You have to do lots of trial-and-error work on each gap point, and if you don't have WinAmp with its gapless output plugin running, then you can't do that.

If you had to upload each trim to the empeg before listening to the gap, it would take approximately two hours to trim each song pair.

I recommend that you download Winamp, download the gapless-output plugin from my web site, and mess with it that way for a while. Once you've got the songs sounding right in WinAmp, then that's what they'll sound like on 2.0.

Tony Fabris
Tony Fabris