Hey duranike,

This thread was created by someone who wanted to know more about the other MP3 players on the market. I simply replied by letting whoever was interested know about which device I purchased and what I saw as the good and bad points of that device. I am not suggesting that anyone go out and purchase that device based on my recommendations. And yet I get sh*t from you and to some extent Rob for my choice. When I wanted to buy a player, the Empeg did not have the features that would make it a worthwhile purchase for ME at the time. Now it will and when my number comes up for a Mark2 unit I will most likely purchase one. In the meantime I have a unit that suits my needs and I did not waste >$1000 on something that I will be replacing in a few months. All I am saying is availability WAS an issue for me. The Mark2 units are not yet available, the Mark1 are not worth the money (to me) and the MP Shuttle was readily available and works well with my existing equipment.


EmpMenuX - ext3 filesystem - Empeg iTunes integration