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Nobody has commented this from the Announcments section:

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The help file for emplode is also missing because it includes references to an unannounced product. Both of these problems will be rectified soon.

Actually the readme.txt file says unannounced products (plural not singular.)

Therefore I think we must assume more than 1 product is in the wings. The photos kind of confirm this anyway.

From listening to the interview with the SB CEO, it seems to me that the products yet to be announced will definately include a wireless 'in car' [i.e. trunk based] playback device, not unlike the Apple Ipod or similar using 11Mbit wireless lan links like the apple Airport etc so that the concept of removing the device to 'reload' the songs is not required.
This may be a OEM product so may not appear to come from SB in any case.

Other products to be announced real -soon-nowTM may I think, include an update to the rio Audio Receiver [in-home receiver/server]. This will be upgraded to use wireless [probably 802.11] instead of HomePNA or powerLAN technology - hopefully it will also support Ethernet as well.

There may also be a convergence with the device based on the Replay TV device. This 'Tivo' like product has been announced - can't recall its name for now that records MPEG2 video [TV signals], and will be able to relay such recorded MPEG2 Video/Audio streams through the house - unlike the Tivo which does not.

If you made this device MP3 enabled - a trivial mod given they do MPEG2 video now and have masses of hard disk space, then you have a device which can play Video in various rooms of the house, play MP3 Audio as well or instead of TV video signals and it can also use the 'Video output' as a UI display device - making the problem of controlling your device remotely, much simpler - use the TV as the display device - you need that for the MPEG2 Video anyway, simply stick a video overlay chip in there and you have a half decent UI, soup it up with those cool visuals from the empeg and you have a killer product for in house use - beats the Playstation hands down I think.

For a richer UI experience the Wireless Frontpath technology device which runs Linux and uses the Transmeta processor could make for a nifty remote control device - or could be the audio playback device itself [or as well as].

I think SB have some interesting technology that if used well could cause a real convergence, in the audio/video and digital audio and wireless arenas.

I just hope that the products are announced soon and that I can afford them when they do, and that any Video devices comes in a PAL version and not just a NTSC version

That black box in the picture [that was artfully blurred], could also be the combined DVD/VCR player from Sensory Science - stick your Rio Audio receiver electronics in there and maybe a hard disk and you have a device that replaces 3 devices in your home entertainment stack - it would fit given the 'VFD' style display that that box has - the same kind of displays that VCRs and DVD players have.
Of course the products in the picture could simply be prototypes of products that may never be released.