As I impatiently await the arival of this ISO adapter so I can connect my empeg in the car I'm wondering to myself. The manual said that some cars have this standard adapter and will just simply be able to "Plug and Play" sort of speak. Now my question is which cars have this as I'll be going to a huge junk yard here in Virginia later this week and I'm sure if I can find one simply cut it off and use it, taking this will work and don't see why not. So if anyone knows what cars have this iso connector as their standard I could keep an eye out while there.

Yes I'm a little anxious to get it installed, even ran all around town to all the audio places with my sled in hand seeing if any had an adapter for it and none knew WTF it was or why I wouldn't just cut the adapter off.

Blue MK2 20 Gig, Slowly getting filled to the brim.
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