
emRAWerter is not in it's early stages!

I have no intention on including the things you mention in emRAWerter, unless there is a huge demand for it. My time is sparse, and there are so many software packages out there that are excellent at both resizing and color reduction (some with dithering as well).

All you need is PaintShop Pro (shareware) or try looking at http://graphicssoft.about.com/library/products/aatp_freephotoed_w.htm for some recommendations on some freeware ones.

No matter, you need knowledge and a FTP client as well

I'm sorry that your empeg freezes up on you. What did you do?

The escher.raw is RLE encoded. All the other .raw files are not.

Regarding size, I do not think there is a limit. I took Toby's PROLUX logo and put in a 512 x 512 bitmap. Using the RLE compression it was only 9kb afterwards. No problems on the empeg.

Regarding limits Toby is the only one who knows. But my (educated?) guess would be that the bitmap should be no less than 128 x 32 pixels and no more than 64kb in size.

If you have a problem file that I can examine, you can send it to me if you wish.

Hope I helped.
Lars MkII 40gig 090000598