Tony, here goes a small list of observations with 1.03. I had previously skimmed the 2b3 release notes, but can't remember for a fact if any info features were enhanced.
Oh, keep in mind that I haven't been able to test this with songs that I have personally ripped (which contain tags for the full set of basic details for every song).
Only the LINE mode seems to scroll the artist/title. Personally, I wouldn't mind some of the other modes allowing scrolling for the current song either.
Is there any way to show remaining track time? At the same time as track elapsed time?
I'd love for a quick-escape button press to allow me to momentarily jump to "Now & Next" mode to select a track and then have it automatically jump back to the selected info/visualization mode/state when I chose a track, aborted the selection or just let the selection time out. I really like being able to see a list of tracks while making a selection, but I don't necessarily want that view displayed while listening to a track.
Similarly... Instead of escaping out or pressing a special key, I'd love the ability to configure the software so that I can see a list as mentioned above, momentarily when simply doing a next or prev track selection even if the display is set to a full visualization mode. This way you'd momentarily be able to see the names of the tracks as you're choosing, and it would just time out right back to your visualization or prefered info mode afterwards.
Are there templates for the info display options? This would be one way to allow a lot of personal freedom by placing variables for the different tracked stats wherever one wanted (within the limitations of whatever template design/api).
Anyway, just simple initial thoughts. Nothing major. I'm already quite happy with the versatility it does offer.
And on the (still) bright side, the unit is still working perfectly after getting home. :) Now I have to try running emplode 1.03 with ethernet (tried USB earlier at work).
But.. I've really got to check out tonight's episode of CSI, so I'll be back a little later. :)