Only the LINE mode seems to scroll the artist/title. Personally, I wouldn't mind some of the other modes allowing scrolling for the current song either.

That's already been added in 2.0.

Is there any way to show remaining track time? At the same time as track elapsed time?

That's already been added in 2.0.

I really like being able to see a list of tracks while making a selection, but I don't necessarily want that view displayed while listening to a track.

Not sure what you're referring to here. When you're selecting a specific track (whether by search or by menu), the screen is covered up with menus or with the search interface. What good is having the info screen up only for the time that you're making the selection?

In any case, 2.0 partially implements (and reportedly will soon more completely implement) the idea of a "toggle" button which toggles between an info-text mode and a visual mode. It's an expansion of the current "hold down the bottom button to toggle" functionality. I'm looking forward to seeing Beta6 so I can see what they've done with it.

This way you'd momentarily be able to see the names of the tracks as you're choosing, and it would just time out right back to your visualization or prefered info mode afterwards.

That's already been added in 2.0. "Info:Transient". When a new song starts, or when you press the next/previous track buttons, an information line appears at the bottom of the screen in "Top of the Pops" style. (that's a British music show if you didn't know that.)

Are there templates for the info display options?

User-configurable info displays are not in the current software. However, MLord's "hijack" kernel hack allows you to redefine the knob press so that it can cycle quickly among the info modes, allowing you to see the information you want pretty easily.

And on the (still) bright side, the unit is still working perfectly after getting home.

Yeah, but your symptoms make it sound like it's got a dodgy cable. I wouldn't trust it very far. Hopefully support has contacted you about getting a new one out to you?
Tony Fabris