Glad to see 2.0 implements a lot of those ideas.
What I meant about showing a list of songs doesn't apply to when using the menu interface. It's for when you're pressing the next or previous buttons on the unit to move forward or backward one track. When this is being done, I'd love to be able to see ahead a few songs so I know what's coming up as I'm clicking the button. Sorry if I wasn't as clear originally.
I haven't asked support specifically for a new cable yet. I have however asked both empeg support in the UK as well as Jim Hafner-Eaton in the US about getting permission to look at the cable and plug it in properly if it's not seated completely, without voiding my warranty. The last info I got was that Jim was going to discuss this with the guys in the UK and get back to me asap. As soon as I hear from him we'll see what the next step is. I'd really hate to return the whole unit just to replace a cable. I'm perfectly capable of doing that job on even this fine a piece of equipment without damaging anything. And if I did physically damage something, I wouldn't expect warranty coverage on my negligence.
But of course companies have to help protect themselves from people who will do damage and then try to claim warranty coverage for it, so they go the route of protective security tape - it's easier than having to take a microscope to the guts of your product to try and identify whether or not the user mucked something up or whether it broke by itself.
I don't suppose there are any "local" places empeg have previously authorized for such work? I'd be looking for somewhere in the Toronto area (Canada :)
And Tony, thanks for the heads up on the blue lenses. I'll make sure to ask about them in my next email.