1) No problem. Now that I thnk of it, I have no idea why this isn't enabled by default, it seems like most people use it.

2) Cool cool. Sounds like you know what's up. Also sounds like the fix Drakino is talking about should work just fine.

3) ok... Take a look at the attached screen shot. Is this what you are looking for? that big blue section on the left is enabled by turning on "Show common tasks in folders", which is under folder options.

4) Clear Type - Open "Display Properties, go to the "Appearence" tab, and click on the "Effects" button. It's right there, the second check box down.

As far as the XP vs. 2000 stuff goes, yeah, you're right. There is much more too it than just cosmetics. I just meant that the cosmetic stuff is the obvious stuff, and you might not notice the other stuff. Compatibility and reliability are both improved, better SMP (Multi Proccessors), personal Firewall, dual network locations for laptops, anti aliased display fonts (True Type), etc. There is a bunch of stuff.

Anyway, hope this stuff helps. Let me know if you have any other questions!

45586-Details.jpg (132 downloads)

MK2 in an Impreza 2.5RS