Yeah but what I'm saying is where is it going? The boundaries keep getting pushed. It seems like it's only a matter of time before we start seeing full frontal nudity in prime time on MTV as a matter of course. Hey, I think I'll rather enjoy that if it happens, but does it really do anything for the music or is it just eye candy? And what will people feel the need to do next just to make a splash? Once all the chicks are naked on TV, I think I'll actually be looking for the ones wearing something just to see something different.
I dunno here, I'm torn between my appreciation of female nudity and my feeling that it's all just getting played out.
Of course it's just eye candy, and it is getting played out. It will be used as long as it has some shocking value, which, I hope, will not be long. I personally prefer music videos with a story or strong atmosphere (whether that includes sensual or sexual references or not), but they are very rare nowadays. I realize they are much more expensive to do and require an actual
director, though, as well as music that is not too empty to provide pretext for such a work. For other kinds of 'music', well, perhaps we should consider pretty ladies hopping around as MTV equivalent of Toby's work
