The video in question was Prodigy's "Smack My Bitch Up." It's basically a drunken and drug-filled first-person view of a night out on the town. Not only does it depict heavy drinking and drugs, but also a nice bit of nudity and sex. The sex is more implied than overt, but the nudity was very obvious. MTV caught some heat for showing it, so they only showed it a few times, all late at night. I just happened to be tuned into MTV at the time.
Don't you think that, concerning young audience, depicting heavy drinking and drugs as 'cool' lifestyle (if that's what the video did - I don't recall seeing it) is far more of a problem that nudity and sex?
So when our grandchildren are watching MTV in the year 2050 and ALL videos on MTV have nudity in them, we can tell them who started it all...
I certainly hope that by 2050 nudity will not be something that can sell videos or music. I am affraid to try and imagine what could replace it, though
