Don't you think that, concerning young audience, depicting heavy drinking and drugs as 'cool' lifestyle (if that's what the video did - I don't recall seeing it) is far more of a problem that nudity and sex?

As a parent, I can agree with that to a certain degree. The only problem I have with sexual imagery on television is that it's uncomfortable for the parents to explain it to a child who hasn't had the Birds and Bees talk yet. "Mommy, what were they doing?" "Ummm..."

I think George Carlin said it best when he did the routine about word substitution in movies. He said that he agreed with the person who once said "I'd rather have my children watch a movie about two people making love, than a movie about two people trying to kill each other".

Of course, he took it a step further and gave examples of substituting the word "f*ck" for the word "kill" in all the old movie cliches: "All right, Sherrif, we're gonna f*ck you now. But we're gonna f*ck you slow." Damn, that was funny.
Tony Fabris