I got down a few posts and had to stop reading. Clueless. When I first clicked on the link I thought it would be a legitimate ARS feature, not a forum posting.

Even the original poster. If he thinks he can do the same thing with a PC, then why not do it, sell it and make some money in the process?

People in the thread don't even know much about MP3 - "removing bits here and there" - ummm... right.

Or the bit about some audiophiles spending $300 to $350 on a turntable! Haha. First, someone running a turntable is an antiquarian or someone trying to be a pretentious audiophile. And these audiophiles can spend more than $350 on a phono cartridge, let alone the turn table! Some people have more into a turn table than other have into their cars.

$1500 for a component of this level is well within upper consumer audio. What are these people expecting? The price of some crappy $300 boom box?

No, this component isn't targeted at a 17 year old dipsh*t working at 7-11. Hopefully the word will get out to the markets that will appreciate this device. I'm also sure a co-branded or re-branded OEM contract would do wonders for the product (depending on the brand of course - Harmon would be better than Jutan, Krell would necessitate the enclosure be made of 1" billet aluminum and cost $5000, etc..)

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