>Over the next week or so I'm going to look more at incorporating a khttpd (or kftpd) into Hijack,

Okay, looks like it will be an ftpd that gets incorporated -- I want to be able to use "mirrordir" (awesome!) under Linux as my empeg filesystem backup manager, and mirrordir supports ftp but not http. That was an easy decision.

At present, I've got a basic custom-written ftpd skeleton working as a standalone usermode program. One connection at a time, no passive mode, but it is tiny in size and mostly works. After adding some more functionality to it, I'll try moving it to kernelspace and retest on my laptop. If that all goes well, then I'll move it to the Empeg "hijack" kernel, and see what breaks.

It'll likely be a couple of weeks, but we should soon have ftpd built-in to the kernel.

So what's the fuss, you ask?

With an FTP server (ftpd) built-in to hijack, easily installable by anyone who can point and click in Tony's Logo Editor, we can suddenly get FULL access for remote browsing / backup / restore / customization / whatever, usable by anyone.

As mentioned, us Linux users already have "mirrordir" for awesome automatic backup / restore of the player. Windows folks will need (or need to find) a similar program. I am giving this heads up so that y'all have time to look for or write something suitable.

The protocol will be this ftp subset: PORT, LIST, RETR, STOR, DELE, RMD, MKD, CWD
The USER and PASS commands are accepted but ignored.

See RFC 959 for more info.


Edited by mlord (21/12/2001 11:30)