So what's the fuss, you ask?

You're kidding, right? I think everyone can understand how terribly cool it would be to have an FTP server on the player that doesn't require any mucking about at the shell prompt (or even any Linux knowledge) to install.

What blows me away is that you can get it shoehorned into the kernel and keep it small enough to fit in the flash. That's just mind-boggling. Can't wait to see it.

There's something I really like about your approach to hacking the kernel. There are certain things you're doing which, in the past, have been dismissed by others on this BBS as being "inappropriate for inclusion into the kernel". In other words, things that should more logically be included in user-mode applications. For example, I always thought that the selections for the Voladj should have been in the kernel all along, but arguments were made against it.

But I say, hey, we've got this fully open source kernel that terribly easy to install. Why NOT throw the kitchen sink in there?
Tony Fabris