Also, is the only "tuning" parameter the ReduceCache option? I saw somewhere else on the board mention of ReserveCache. Anyone know about that? Is the max value of ReduceCache really 48? I've seen some people trying 64.

The parameter in question is not ReduceCache, but ReserveCache. This is an information that Hugo (altman) confirmed in a private message to me. Check riocar.org developer info for details. The (theoretical) maximum value for this parameter is 179, effectively disabling precaching of music data (leaving only a single Cache chunk, at least on a MkII (12MB) with a 1.03 developer image). Any number higher than 80 is probably too high. Each cache chunk is (at least for 1.03) about 32kBytes in size, so ReserveCache=32 reduces the cache size by (a bit more than) 1MB.

proud owner of MkII 40GB & MkIIa 60GB both lit by God and HiJacked by Lord