I agree. The new use of the knob press in the 2.0 series is the only thing I actively didn't like. I set up fader, balance, etc. once and pretty much forget about it. All the 2.0 feature does is allow me to accidentally change it, which I think I've already done twice. I would have preferred that it just be the button to get into the menus, but that was before seek mode. I like Tony's idea of using it to toggle between volume adjust and position adjust, probably with a timeout to fall back to volume. And then also a chord or something to get to seek mode. Edit: For that matter, we could use the long up press. How many people are constantly turning the player on and off? My favorite part of seek mode is the positioning, but the other features are quite nice as well, especially if we get to tweak the profiles.

Again, obviously we can use Hijack to do this all ourselves, but I think that a more consistent UI would benefit everybody, not just me.

(I feel like I'm grousing. I'm seriously not. This is the best upgrade ever.)

Edited by wfaulk (24/12/2001 21:37)
Bitt Faulk