First of all many thanks to the empeg guys for this new great release.
What can I say, once more a great job, I do like all the new visuals and info mode.
Now, the download feature just rocks, and works beautifully. So here are my suggestions for its future developments:
1) As other suggested, I'd like to be able to configure in detail the naming of the mp3 on the hdd, plus, I'd like to indicate the player whether some of the info related to an mp3 should be turned into a directory on my pc's hdd, rather than simply being included in the name of the file. Just to give an obvious example, I may want to store the mp3 into a folder named after the album title.
2) I'd like to be able to backup somewhere on the hdd all the database files in the empeg.
3) Now, a simple, all-inclusive "backup" function would be of great help. That should download all the mp3 to the hdd, the dbase, and store in such a way that it can be uploaded back into a blank empeg with a simple "restore" function.
4) A natural evolution of 3) is that the backup on the hdd could be "read and modified" by emplode as if it was the player itself. This would no only allow us to play the tracks on the "backup" from emplode, but also modify/add/delete, and then resync the changes to the empeg. Wouldn't that be awsome? Now, this would require emplode to run in two modes: "empeg-based" or "hdd-based", just like IE can work on-line or off-line.
Well, that's enough wishes in one single post.
P.S.: ehm, actually, I have another wish. I can't help, I have to say this once more

: what a bout a random changing visual mode, at every song change, or after x seconds/minutes, ecc... ? Ok, ok, I know, I'll try to refrein from asking this again...