My understanding is you can add at least one more hard drive, or replace your existing one. Any links to details about that? I don't think 20GB will run out anytime soon, but that's related to my next question.

20 gb should definitly get you started. And if you do decide to upgrade, there is an empty space ready to accept a second drive. Refer to the drive upgrade guide at "

What's the best bit rate for quality recording of the MP3s?

Dig down a bit in the General fourm, this just recently came up. The overall concensus is to use LAME to encode, on a VBR setting (not for smaller files per say, but to allow the parts of the song that need it to go to higher rates)

The Tuner option. Does it plug inside the Empeg somewhere? I'm planning in my head for the install, and the picture looked weird and I wasn't sure how it installed into the unit. Does anyone have a picture with it installed that I could see?

Again, head to, and browse the photo gallery. I believe there are a few pics there of the tuner. It's an external box that clips on to a plug on the dock wiring.

Anyone got any links to anyone that has done a wireless setup? I'm quite fond of the idea of pulling into the garage, going t othe computer room and uploading new CDs I've purchased to the car without having to pull the unit in and out every day. Though I do know it is easy to do, I'm more of a geek and think it's cool to have the wireless thing for grins. That means as long as it's not too expensive.

The best way to find info on this is to search the bbs for terms like "wireless" or "airport"

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