Yep, I'm using a version of download.c with the debug code in and running from the command prompt. Can't remeber who was nice enough to put it together, but can go and have a look if you want. It works *most* of the time, whereas the logo editor never works for flashing kernals. Sometimes I have to try it a number of times though, and it almost seems I have to plug in the empeg at just the right moment. Haven't tried playing with logos yet.

I have a Mk 2 empeg, and the PC is an older twin processor PIII 600 (Gigabyte board). I guess I could get really keen and do some testing if you want. Have M$ Visual Studio 6 here, and at least some of the cygwin stuff, but I might need some tips on how to get download.c to compile on a Windoze box.
(list 6284, Mk1 S/N 00299 4GB blue [sold]. Mk2 S/N 080000094 20GB blue)