I'm a programming geek - this isn't work, its fun!

It may be that the control bus in the Lexus is Pioneer compatible but the connectors certainly aren't. No matter as long as I can inject audio.

One part of the project just got easier - I won't have to build my own dash-mounted display. This company sells displays with serial controller built-in. So I can drive the display directly from the serial port on the empeg. If I go with a 256x64 display I can generate 4 pixels for each empeg pixel and simulate their gray scale. I wonder if I could access a higher-level abstraction of the screen to drive my remote display in it native size?

But without my own controller I have to waste a tuner module just to connect the sony wired remote. So I may end up adding my own controller in the long run.

58458-vfdtextgraphics.gif (571 downloads)