Okay, Mark, me and my kooky IR translations again... I'm trying to have my Shift button function as a shift button only when the UI isn't active (there are reasons, I promise.) In other situations (when there's a UI active) I'd like a press of that button to send "cancel" and a long press to send "OK." So I tried this:

; The shift key
AD520C.LU=20df12 ; Long "ATT" = OK when UI active
AD520C.U=20df0c ; "ATT" = Cancel when UI active
AD520C.LN=20df03.L,FFFFFFFF ; press and hold "ATT" = standby
AD520C.N=FFFFFFFF.S ; "ATT" = Shift Key when UI not active

Unfortunately for some reason my shift key no longer works when I do this. Any reason you can think of offhand? Besides the fact that this is a crazy combination of options...
- Tony C
my empeg stuff