> Then again, it might simply be a bad MP3 file sent to the unit.
> Try playing smaller selections of MP3s and see if you can narrow it down to one specific file.

If so, then it's an awful lot of bad MP3 files. The unit has locked up on at least a dozen different tracks so far - the same tracks that play pefectly fine other times. Similarly, the skipping happens on a wide range of tracks, all of which play perfectly fine other times. If bad MP3 files were the cause, why would so many be bad, and why would the exact same tracks play perfectly about half of the time? Either the data is good or it's bad, no? Also, it's odd that while most of the time the lockup occurs when it first tries to start a track, about one out of six times that it locks up it happens at exactly 10 seconds on the time counter (on a few different tracks) - not 5 seconds or 8 seconds or any other interval but always 10 seconds. Just a coincidence?