Quick question, to anyone reading this thread.

Is there an easy way to have the Windows NT command prompt spit back JUST the computer's current IP address?

For instance, I know I can use a variable called %windir% to insert the Windows directory into a batch file without having to do any processing on the output. Is there a corresponding system variable for the IP address?

I know I can use IPCONFIG and it'll spit out a formatted table of a bunch of information, but I would have to parse through that table of data in order to retrieve just the IP address for use in a batch file.

In fact, that's what my rube-goldberg solution did, it dug the computer's current IP address out of a spit-out text file and used a third-party program to do the parsing work. Then I was able to feed the computer's current IP to the IPADD.EXE program (it was one of the program's necessary parameters).

The reason I don't want to just give that straight to Loren is that the "digger" program I used is licensed and I can't give it away.
Tony Fabris