How about this for an idea (Hijack):

In config.ini, we add a couple of special "comment" statements, to allow hijack to modify config.ini as it is read by the player. This would use two keywords, @HOME and @WORK, that Hijack will choose between based on a menu selection. Best shown by example:


The keywords can be used anywhere in config.ini, and Hijack will simply choose one line or the other at run time, and feed that to the player (and to emplode), while preserving the original "commented" keyword lines.

So in the above file, the "DHCP=0" line does not actually exist.. it was inserted by Hijack when the file was read, and will be deleted when the file is written again.

This also would give us the capability of having Hijack "hijack" other config.ini settings in the future, and to do things like automatically enabling "notify=1" to obtain player status on ALL empegs (with "supress_notify=1" as the default in such cases).

Anyway, don't try it yet.. it does not exist. Just probing for input. Whatever we do has to be simple, to keep the code size down (CPU overhead doesn't really matter here, but code size DOES matter).
