Holy crap. After a 45 minute (at least! I was also encoding mp3s in the background...) config check with emplode I was finally able to power cycle my player. Seems to be working fine with dynamic IP. First shot's the charm each time.
I'm looking forward to seeing the next version when you have the HOSTS writing done. Are you going to go with an intermediate step and just support a single player? If you keep the program completely command-line driven it can still work well. A simple command like to spec multiple players and any additional players that are found could (should) be be nound with a default name.
Then it's just a matter of making a shortcut to your program with the needed command line options and putting it somewhere convenenient (for me, that's next to my dialing button in one of my tool bars

BTW, how do you find out what your broadcast IP would be on a corporate LAN?