Good lord, I just checked out that site. It is a site psychologically tailored to sucker guys into laying down $269 for a pair a headphones the size of a peanut. It's quite convincing. *shiver* :)

Until now, I didn't know that existed. My God, that's nuts. I thought it was extravagant to suggest Musician's Friend for headphone distribution amplifiers. It seemed like paying $69.00 for a 4-channel headphone amp was way too much. Then I saw their $11,900.00 headphone/amp combo and it put things in perspective. I thought the Empeg was expensive...

The funny thing is, according to the web site, the manufacturer has already sold 297 of those monstrosities. I'm at a loss for words.

-- Tony Fabris -- Empeg #144 --
Caution: Do not look into laser with remaining good eye.
Tony Fabris