Hm. On rereading my last post, I came across as both a snob and a reverse snob at the same time. Quite some feat.

I don't think you sounded snobbish at all. I agree completely. There are certain things that I'll spend extra money on. Audio equipment is one of them. But only to a certain point. The Empeg is the most expensive single piece of audio equipment I've purchased. Spending over $200.00 on a car amplifier is extravagant to me. But spending over 10 grand on a headphone amp isn't just extravagant- it's insane.

It's like anything else in life. Everyone can discern different levels of quality in a product depending on how familiar they are with it. Food, wine, cars, musical instruments, stereos, whatever. Those who can appreciate the differences in quality are the ones who buy the high-end stuff. If I can't tell the difference between a $200.00 amp and a $10,000.00 amp, it doesn't mean there is no difference. It just means that the expensive model isn't for me.

Then there's the other group of people- those who buy the high-end stuff just to show off their wealth, not because they can appreciate the quality. You know the type. They buy a Porsche, but never break the speed limit. They buy expensive original art, but don't even know the artist's name.

Does that statement make me a reverse snob?

-- Tony Fabris -- Empeg #144 --
Caution: Do not look into laser with remaining good eye.
Tony Fabris